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Outrigger Mauritius Beach Resort - Présentation d'Hôtel

Niché dans la réserve naturelle de Bel Ombre, au sud de l’île, l'Outrigger Mauritius Beach Resort propose des installations haut de gamme dans un environnement unique, évoquant le charme d’une plantation sucrière du début du XVIIe siècle.

Les chambres offrent toutes une vue splendide sur l'Océan Indien et possèdent des salles de bains pourvues d'une grande baignoire et d'une douche séparée. Relaxez-vous au bord de l’une de nos quatre piscines, offrez-vous un moment de détente au spa Navasana niché dans un luxuriant jardin, ou explorez la réserve naturelle de Bel Ombre.

181 chambres, toutes face la mer, dans un paysage exceptionnel : les eaux turquoise du lagon mauricien, au cœur de l’Océan Indien.

Types de chambre à Outrigger Mauritius Beach Resort

Chambre Deluxe Vue Mer  Image

Chambre Deluxe Vue Mer

Capacité 2+1

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Chambres spacieuses et élégantes comprenant une grande salle de bains avec dressing, un coffre-fort, deux lavabos, une grande baignoire et une douche séparée. Chacune faisant une superficie de 63 m2, convient à deux adultes et un enfant.

Chambre Deluxe Front de Mer  Image

Chambre Deluxe Front de Mer

Capacité 2+1

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Seuls quelques pas séparent ces chambres de la plage de sable blanc. Les chambres Deluxe Front de mer sont pourvues de nombreux équipements pour offrir une expérience unique, empreinte de luxe. Chacune faisant d’une superficie de 63 m2, convient à deux adultes et un enfant jusqu'à 17 ans.

Suite Junior Front de Mer Image

Suite Junior Front de Mer

Capacité 2+1

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Donnant de plain-pied sur le front de mer, ces suites offrent des vues imprenables sur l’océan. La salle de bain spacieuse est équipée d’un dressing, d’un coffre-fort, de deux lavabos, d’une baignoire double à remous et d’une douche séparée. Chacune faisant d’une superficie de 74 m2, convient à deux adultes et un enfant.

Deluxe Famille vue mer	 Image

Deluxe Famille vue mer

Capacité 2+2

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Concept unique sur l’île, les deux chambres offrent adaptabilité et intimité pour chacun. Grâce à la chambre communicante équipée de lits superposés et d’une télévision, parents et enfants profitent pleinement d'un espace personnel. Chacune faisant une superficie de 74 m2, convient à deux adultes et deux enfants de moins de 17 ans (dans la chambre séparée).

Outrigger Mauritius Beach Resort - Restaurants de l'hôtel

Edgewater Bar & Grill

Un restaurant élégant au bord de la plage, surplombant la piscine, la plage et l'océan Indien. À l’honneur, les plats mauriciens typiques ainsi que les cuisines européenne et asiatique avec une touche de modernité. Une sélection de sandwiches, salades, hamburgers, nouilles, plats à base de curry et glaces y est servie tout au long de la journée. La nuit, l'ambiance reste détendue tout en étant sophistiquée.


Le Mercado est en lui-même un véritable concept culinaire. Il met en scène une cuisine du marché international, très dynamique et interactive, qui encourage les clients à interagir avec les Chefs, grâce à des cuisines ouvertes dédiées aux démonstrations. Le restaurant célèbre les saveurs et les traditions des cuisines du monde entier, avec des ateliers cuisine en direct. L’expérience culinaire devient un voyage passionnant.

Les clients choisissent avec bonheur entre la tradition et la modernité des cuisines méditerranéennes, indiennes, européennes ou asiatiques.

Le Plantation Club

Situé au sein même des jardins de l’hôtel et offrant une vue splendide sur les montagnes et champs de canne environnants, Le Plantation Club bénéficie d’une terrasse privée en bord de piscine et d’un bar en plein air, niché dans un jardin tropical. L’architecture du Plantation Club s’inspire du style colonial français et comprend un salon dédié à la dégustation du vin, ainsi qu’un salon de thé qui évoque la riche histoire de la culture du thé à l’île Maurice. Le soir, le Plantation Club se transforme en restaurant ouvert à tous et devient le lieu de rendez-vous des fins gourmets d'une cuisine mauricienne revisitée, ce qui en fait l’endroit idéal pour découvrir une variante moderne des saveurs traditionnelles de l’île.

Bleu Bar- Eat, Drink & Play

Un paradis pour les amateurs de cocktails, une visite au Bar Bleu ce n'est pas seulement prendre un verre, c’est aussi un voyage qui passe par la qualité de l’accueil, le service irréprochable et les conversations. Pour vous servir, un personnel passionné et entièrement dédié à votre bien-être.

Outrigger Mauritius Beach Resort - Spa

Navasana Spa

La fusion de deux mots Sanskrit: « nava », le vaisseau, et « asana », un terme associé à la pratique du yoga qui est une posture du corps destinée à fortifier et à relaxer le corps et l’esprit.

Le spa Navasana, doté d’un jacuzzi, d’un hammam, d’un sauna ou encore d’un espace solarium avec piscine, est un lieu propice à la détente, avec ses cabines de massages installées dans un luxuriant jardin. Le spa utilise les produits Terraké, une marque française haut de gamme connue pour ses concepts de spa inspirés par la force des quatre éléments à la base de la création : la terre, l'eau, l'air et la vie de la plante.

Un soin au spa est un véritable voyage purifiant pour le corps et l’esprit.

Outrigger Mauritius Beach Resort - Sport & Loisir

Sports nautiques

  • Planche à voile
  • Pédalos
  • Kayak
  • Tours en bateau à fond de verre
  • Plongées en apnée
  • Pêche en haute mer


  • Tennis de table
  • Volley Ball
  • Pétanque
  • Centre de remise en forme

Outrigger Mauritius Beach Resort - Enfants

Le Club enfants est doté d'une piscine, et propose toute une gamme d'activités quotidienne.

Outrigger Mauritius Beach Resort - Facilités

  • Spa
  • Wifi
  • Pêche au gros (en supplément)
  • Canoë-kayak
  • Plongée sous-marine
  • Piscine
  • Beach volley
  • Plongée libre
  • Pétanque
  • Planche à voile
  • Volley-ball
  • Pédalo
  • Tennis
  • Le Stand up paddles
  • Salle de fitness
  • Accès privé à la plage
  • Salon coiffure et esthétique
  • Service de conciergerie 24h/24
  • Produits de toilette
  • Comptoir d'excursions
  • Diner en chambre
  • Blanchisserie (moyennant supplément)
  • Boutiques
  • Wifi : gratuit dans tout l'hôtel
  • Babysitting
  • Service en chambre
  • Club enfants de 4 à 12 ans
Room Facilities
  • Minibar
  • Climatisation
  • Coffre-fort
  • Service thé-café
  • Téléphone
  • Télévision
  • Sèche-cheveux

Outrigger Mauritius Beach Resort - Situation

Outrigger Mauritius Beach Resort - Tripadvisor Avis

Que faire dans la région de l'hôtel

Golf - Sud

Le Golf du Château, 18 trous de Par 72 de 6,498 m, est situé dans un paysage naturellement vallonné parsemé de lacs et de ruisseaux.

What to Do in the South Equitation Sud

L’équitation est pratiquée depuis bien des années à l’île Maurice.  Le moins que l’on puisse dire, c’est qu’il s’agit d’un sport bien ancré dans les traditions du pays. On en veut pour preuve le fait que l’on y trouve le plus vieil hippodrome de l’hémisphère sud. La passion des courses hippiques est partagée par tous les Mauriciens (ou presque). Et cela, quelque soit leur ethnie ou leur couche sociale… 

Mais l’équitation ne se pratique pas uniquement à l’hippodrome du Champ de Mars. Les centres équestres sont nombreux dans l’île. Et puis, comme les plages sont vastes, vous pourrez en profiter pour y faire des ballades. A cheval, avec les embruns et le clapotis de l’eau en prime, vous pourrez profiter du soleil et des paysages. En journée, les plus sportifs et les plus expérimentés pourront également se baigner en mer avec leur monture ! Voilà des expériences uniques qui ne pourront que vous laisser de bons souvenirs. En soirée profitez du coucher de soleil en vous baladant tranquillement, seul, à deux ou en famille.

What to Do in the South

Les plages ne seront pas vos seuls terrains de jeu. En effet, vous pourrez également profiter de ballades dans des domaines splendides et à la végétation luxuriante. Certains s’étendent même sure plus de 2000 hectares. Sans oublier les centres équestres que l’on retrouve dans diverses localités de l’île.

Dans le Sud vous pourrez vous rendre au centre équestre de Riambel, près de Pomponette. En plus de ballades sur une des plages les plus sauvages de l’île, de plus de 2,5 kilomètres long, vous pourrez profiter du calme et de l’absence totale d’hôtels, ce qui fait de cette plage un endroit désert…  Chevaux ou poneys, les débutants comme les cavaliers plus confirmés y trouveront leur compte.

Grand Bassin

What to See in the South

Experience the religious and cultural aspects of Mauritius by visiting the very renowned “ Ganga Talao” commonly known as Grand Bassin in the Southern part of Mauritius. Grand Bassin is a crater lake which is about 600m feet above sea level with a depth of between 50 and 55 feet. This place is considered as the most sacred place for the Hindus in Mauritius, as it serves as a pilgrimage site in the name of Lord Shiva (a Hindu deity). Its sanctity is described as having a close connection to the sacred Ganga River in India.

The lake is surrounded by a vibrant lush vegetations and forests encompassed by the incredible temples dedicated for various Hindu pantheon such as Durga, Parvati, Buddha, Ganesh, Saraswati, Vishnu, and so on.

You will likely spot the huge Shiv statue which is of 33 meters, making it the highest statue in Mauritius.

It is recommended to visit the Crater Lake in the month of February or March during the Maha Shivaratree Festival where you will have the chance to experience the religious ambiance, along with vegetarian food, devotional music and songs.

Chamarel-the Seven Coloured Earth

One of the most fascinating spot to discover while visiting Mauritius is the Seven Coloured Earth located in Chamarel. This area has strikingly bare landscape showing well-developed rills and various shades of red, brown, grey, and purple. Engulfed by a large dense forest, the colours of the earth dunes are due to weathering of the basalt and the formation of secondary iron oxides and hydroxides in it, and the rilling is a result of deforestation and sheet erosion. This is due to the human modification of the landscape. Such features also occur in Papua New Guinea, and may be common in tropical, high-rainfall regions with volcanic bedrock. And one fun fact is that if you mix the colored earth together, they'll eventually settle into separate layers.

What to See in the South

The dunes are protected by a wooden fence and visitors are not allowed to climb on them, although they can look at the scenery from observation outposts placed along the fence. Curio shops in the area sell small test-tubes filled up with the coloured earths. On the premises, you will also find a children's playground and some giant tortoises.

Vallée Des Couleurs

La Vallée des Couleurs reserve invites nature lovers to taste the world of the glorious flora and fauna of the Southern part of Mauritius. Amidst a lush green vegetation with green houses, deer park, verdant valleys, endemic trees, wonderful ponds and rivers, not to mention the Seven Coloured Earth-the Vallée des Couleurs is a blissful exploration to rejuvenate your spirit.

What to See in the South

A visit of the Vallée des Couleurs brings pleasure to all your senses.

The songs of birds and the sound of water falling are music to the ears and the captivating and breathtaking panoramic views of the South Coast is a pure delight for the eyes.

The reserve is also a great place to enjoy selection of nature trips and fun activities.

Additionally, there is an Exhibition room which provides an outline of the different places of interest which you will discover through your visit.

You will also enjoy the visit the fern garden, which includes a plethora of flowers without which any visit in the park would be incomplete.

The unspoiled beauty of the land captures every heart and soul. The park is also home to tortoises, monkeys, stags, fish and also birds such as the Pink Pigeon, Paille en Queue, Cateau Vert with various endemic trees like the Ebony, Bois de Natte, Takamaka and other rare plants also contributing to the beauty of the park.

Enjoy the spellbinding four waterfalls such as the Cascade Vacoas, Cascade Bois de Natte, Cascade Cheveux d'Ange and Cascade Chamouzé where you can get to listen to the rustling water; relax in natural intimacy and feel inner peace. The park also offers a captivating and breathtaking panoramic view of the South Coast.

Rhumerie De Chamarel Distillery

Nestled in the heart of the fertile Chamarel Valley, the Rhumerie de Chamarel Distellery invites you for an all-encompassing tourism experience ranging from a guided visit of the distillery and rum tasting to a tasty meal at L’Alchimiste, its own stylish and creative “A la Carte” restaurant.

What to See in the South

The site is surrounded by vast sugarcane plantations growing in harmony with the pineapples and other tropical fruits nearby. The distillery was designed in order to provide a holistic tourism experience to guests. As a visitor of the Rum Distillery you can marvel at its unique design which blends harmoniously with the spectacular surroundings where wood, natural stone and water provide a sense of communion with nature.

Discover the making process of the high quality and eco-friendly Mauritian rum where you will get to witness from growing, harvesting, to the fermentation and sophisticated distilling process. All is done so that the distillery can pride itself on the quality of its rum, achieved by distilling the fresh, fermented cane juice rather than that obtained from molasses.

There are guided tours with the experienced guides who will take you behind the scenes to provide a detailed explanation of the rum making process while you visit the distillery. For your maximum convenience the Rhumerie de Chamarel distillery tour is done in either English or French at the duration of the tour is of about 30 to 40 minutes.

Crocodile & Giant Tortoises Nature Park

What to See in the South

While exploring the Southern part of Mauritius, a visit to the Crocodile and Giant Tortoises Nature Park is a must.

The nature park is home to the second largest crocodilian and one of the largest tortoises in the world. It is a picturesque and idyllic nature reserve located at Riviere des Anguilles in the south.

It extends across 3.5 hectares, full of luxuriant vegetation consisting of beautiful palm trees, banana plants, giant bamboo trees and other gorgeous shrubs-reflecting a tropical rainforest setting.

During your stay in the park you can also experience a firsthand unique encounter with the giant tortoises, and get a rare chance to feed, pet and play with them.

Also, there is also a “Jungle Adventure Playground”, which is an area offering fun attractions and activities, especially designed for children. Additionally, there is an insectariums and a museum to learn more about different animal species.

Inside the park you will find the recommended Hungry Crocodile Restaurant. Built among the tree-tops the restaurant offers you a choice of local Mauritian food and international dishes, and also several dishes made with crocodile, which are definitely worth a try – you will be pleasantly surprised. Snacks and various drinks are also available.

Saint Aubin House

Get a taste of the colonial era of the 19th century Saint Aubin House located at Riviere des Anguilles in the Southern part of Mauritius. Saint Aubin was precisely built in 1819 which was home to several managers of the Saint Aubin sugar estate, and eventually it was renovated in the 90’s to preserve the Mauritian heritage. The estate takes its name from one of its first owners, Pierre de Saint Aubin.

What to See in the South

On Saint Aubin estate, a small manufacturing unit has been rebuilt around the ancient sugar mill chimney which stands as a testimony to the past.

The mill has been turned into a live eco museum where locals and tourists alike can observe all the manufacturing stages of the sugar milling process.

The estate has its own sugar cane plantations which lie along the undulating slopes of southern Mauritius. The fields of Saint Aubin have been under sugar cane cultivation since 1819.

Driven by an enduring quest for uncompromising quality, Saint Aubin plantation has brilliantly met the challenge of reconciling innovation, tradition, human dimension and environmental protection.

A visit to the Saint Aubin House consists of a guided tour around the estate where you will have the privilege to visit the Rum House where high quality rum is made; a visit to the Vanilla House where you will discover the interesting transformation process of the vanilla orchid from the flower to the aromatic pod; a visit to the Anthurium (flowers) greenhouses, and also a leisurely stroll in the tropical garden.

The estate is also composed of an elegant colonial residence, a restaurant offering local Creole cuisine, and the Inn which is a typical traditional Creole house with an iron sheeting roof resting on exposed timber beams, teak wood flooring and ancient furniture. To make it more enticing, the Tea Route which is a gastronomical and cultural tour bears testimony to the different facets of the once colonial Mauritius and its traditional lifestyle.

Bois Chéri

Discover the other side of Mauritius through a visit to one of the oldest tea plantation located in the highlands South of the island at about 500 meters in a cold region. The location serves as an ideal location for the plantation of tea, and offers scenic luxuriant green landscapes.

What to See in the South

Dating back to the 1890s, this lush tea plantation is best discovered on foot and offers not only a visual richness but also a flavourful richness of the senses. Bois Chéri has enabled the development of a true culture and tradition of tea in Mauritius. Its factory now produces more than half of the island’s tea.

Attached to the Saint-Aubin Group, Bois Chéri is now part of the famous Tea Route. It allows a guided tour of the tea factory as well as the tea museum. A guided tour to the plantation generally takes around 1 to 2 hours and includes a tour to the Bois Chéri tea factory, visit to the museum and tea plantation, also tea tasting at the chalet.

Le Morne Mountain

What to See in the South

The symbolic Le Morne Brabant is a majestic mountain located in the South Western part of Mauritius, on the Le Morne peninsula.

The majestic mountain has been declared as a World Heritage site by the UNESCO since July 6, 2008 to commemorate the Maroonage (runaway slaves) legacy in Mauritius.

It is believed that the slaves were jumping off the cliff of the mountain to commit suicide due to the very inhumane treatment they suffered.

Le Morne Brabant is one of the most preserved and wildest mountains of the island.

It is habitat to a very large variety of endemic and narrow-endemic species, such as the rare Trochetia Boutonania, which is our floral emblem.

The summit of the mountain covers an area of over 12 hectares (30 acres),and is about 556m above the sea level. There are many caves and overhangs on the steep slopes. It is largely surrounded by a lagoon and is a well known tourist attraction.

Do not miss the breath-taking views of the west and south-western side by a hiking trail which approximately lasts for three to four hours.

Rochester Falls

Rochester Falls is one of the spectacular waterfalls of Mauritius situated in the Savanne district of Mauritius. The waterfall forms part of the Savanne River which is at an elevation of 152 meters above sea level, approximately 2.5 km from Souillac (the capital of the Savanne district), and it tumbles from a height of about 10 m (33 ft).

What to See in the South

It is regarded as a popular tourist attraction due to its lava cliffs: years and years of erosion has led to the formation of a spectacular backdrop of rectangular blocks stuck together. The view of the waterfall is just spellbinding which makes it so enticing. The white water crashing down the rocky cliffs into a pool of crystal clear water, with the lush verdant vegetations in the form of ferns crawling up the smoother parts of the cliffs, and the trees around the river banks make it a perfect location to revitalize your spirit. The place is ideal to spend a picnic and to enjoy the serene atmosphere with the sounds of the falling water and happy chirping of birds.

Black River Gorge National Park

The Black River Gorge National Park is the largest protected area of Mauritius. It extends over 6,754 hectares that is 2 % of rolling hills and thick native forest of the South Western part of the island.

Famous for its waterfalls, vistas and hiking, the gorge is in the central highlands, making it cooler than much of the island. The nature park has over 50 km of trails where you can explore the exquisite natural beauty of this part of the island. Find the spellbinding waterfall, pristine river, picnic areas, wide canyon, and dramatic mountain ranges, which create panoramic views altogether.

What to See in the South

There are approximately 311 of native flowering plants, and nine endemic species of bird, with a population of giant fruit bats. Some endangered bird species include the Mauritius kestrel, the echo parakeet, the pink pigeon, Mauritian flying fox, Mauritius bulbul, and Mauritius olive white-eye. You might also find the introduced wild boar, macaque monkeys, and deers wandering in the wild nature.

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