Leora Beach - Ile Maurice
Résidence Leora Appartements - Présentation d'Hôtel
Leora Beachfront Apartments is the premier address on the West Coast, comprising of ten beachfront apartments and four premium apartments. The apartments are all facing the beach, allowing you to witness breathtaking sunsets of the West coast.
Leora truly combines the freedom of luxury beachfront accommodation with a range of services expected from a discerning clientele. You may choose to be left entirely alone to discover your newfound paradise or opt for the personal attention available at the complex to make the most of your time there. At Leora you may expect good old-fashioned hospitality right from check-in to the moment you leave the property. In the apartments, you will also receive a complimentary welcome kit with Luxury branded shampoo, body lotion & liquid shower soap, Toilet paper, Bin liners, Washing liquid, sponge & dishwasher tablets, Olive oil, balsamic vinegar, salt, sugar, pepper, Bottle of water and Paper napkins.
Complex facilities at Leora include a beautiful infinity swimming pool surrounded by wooden decking, sun-loungers and beach umbrellas as well as thatched kiosks and loungers on the beach sand. The friendly presence of the on-site manager ensures guests a stress-free stay, so that you may focus on your holiday without restrictions, timetables or dress codes.
Welcome to this unique address for an unforgettable stay.
Types de chambre à Résidence Leora Appartements
Situated behind the pool area, with direct views on the pool, garden and beach, the premium apartments provide the perfect respite from a perfect day under the tropical sun. The ground floor units enable guests to walk straight out to the pool area while the first level units offer great tropical views. The apartment comes with king, queen or twin beds, a fully equipped kitchen (kettle, refrigerator, microwave, plates, cutlery and other kitchen accessories), Weber BBQ, Coffee Machine, HD Flat screen TV, air-conditioning and Wi-Fi.
Situated closest to the beach, the beachfront apartment enables guests to walk straight out towards the kiosks and pool area. All units have been designed and laid out in a trendy and modern style. The ground floor units enable guests to walk straight out towards the kiosks and pool area, while the first level units enjoy an unobstructed view of the Horizon. The apartment comes with king, queen or twin beds, a fully equipped kitchen (kettle, refrigerator, microwave, plates, cutlery and other kitchen accessories), Weber BBQ, Coffee Machine, HD Flat screen TV, air-conditioning and Wi-Fi.
Résidence Leora Appartements - Sport & Loisir
The west coast is a place to discover the mountains and the warm blue ocean... Should you not have a ground representative in Mauritius, we will be more than happy to point you in the direction of what to do in the west.
Résidence Leora Appartements - Facilités
- Parking sécurisé avec caméras CCTV
- Grand jardin paysager
- Kiosques de plage et chaises longues
- Infinity pool with baby plunge pool
- Responsable du complexe
- Poste de sécurité avec gardien de sécurité 24h / 24
- Chaises longues et terrasse
- Pack de bienvenue: fruits tropicaux, eau, lait, eau de coco, jus de fruits, bière locale, pain, confiture, céréales, yaourt, beurre, café et thé (coût
- Chef sur place (coût supplémentaire)
- Bicycle & Kayak rental (extra cost)
- Livraison petit-déjeuner / épicerie (coût supplémentaire)
- Entretien ménager
- Services de conciergerie (coût supplémentaire)
- Massage sur place (coût supplémentaire)
- Machine à café Nespresso
- Télévision par satellite [DSTV Compact + Canal Sat Passion Plus]
- Barbecue à gaz Weber
- A / C dans toutes les chambres
- Sea/Pool/Mountain View
- Cuisine moderne entièrement équipée
- Télévision HD à écran plat 40 "
- Connexion Internet Wi-Fi haute vitesse
- Enceinte iPod - JBL
Résidence Leora Appartements - Situation
Que faire dans la région de l'hôtel
Golf - OuestDernier-né des parcours de golf, le Tamarina Golf compte 18 trous de Par 72 de 7,200 mètres. Les greens, répondant aux normes américaines, sont accessibles aux joueurs de tous les niveaux.
Situé entre le lagon et la montagne du Morne, le Paradis Golf Club est un parcours de 18 trous Par 72 qui s'étend sur 5,924 m. Des cours pour individuels, couples ou groupes y sont propo
Pêche au Gros - OuestL’Ile Maurice, connue à travers le monde pour la richesse de ses eaux, détient plusieurs records du monde de pêche : requin mako de 1115 livres, requin bleu de 4000 livres, thon blanc de 224 livres, marlin bleu de 1430 et 1355 livres.
D’ailleurs, au cours de ces dernières années, des championnats de pêche au gros sont régulièrement organisés, avec des participants venant de différents pays. Attirant les grosses pointures et autres célébrités, l’île organise chaque année en février/mars le ‘Marlin World Cup’ faisant de Maurice une des destinations favorites pour la pêche sportive.
Sport à part entière, la pêche au gros, pratiqué de préférence entre novembre et avril, ne vous cantonne pas à attendre, pendant des heures, que le poisson morde à l’hameçon, mais elle s’accompagne de sensations fortes. Effectivement, pêcher au gros s’apparente à la chasse puisque ce sport consiste aussi à traquer les poissons grâce au ballet des oiseaux au-dessus des bancs de poissons.
Une fois que le poisson aura mordu à l’hameçon, la lutte pour le ramener à bord pourra commencer, ce qui n’est pas de tout repos, certains poissons pouvant atteindre les 100 à 300 kilos. Les eaux mauriciennes abritent les plus gros poissons, à savoir le barracuda, le marlin, le thon, le requin…
Pour découvrir ce sport, vous pourrez partager les frais de location d’un bateau avec d’autres pêcheurs, ce qui s’avérerait intéressant pour réduire les frais, susciter une bonne ambiance et créer de nouvelles relations. Que vous choisissiez la formule demi-journée ou journée complète, il est préférable de partir très tôt le matin afin de profiter des plus belles prises.
Les bateaux sont confortables et luxueux, avec de succulents repas et des coins détente. Ils sont skippés par des experts en conditions climatiques locales, connaissant tous les courants et sachant interpréter l’activité des oiseaux pour repérer les bancs. Les méthodes de pêche ont évolué, surtout par rapport à la préservation de l’environnement ; c’est ainsi que le ‘tag & release’ est maintenant encouragé par certains opérateurs.
Nos Concierges son à votre disposition afin de vous programmer ses sorties à l'avance de votre départ ou pendant votre séjour.
Kitesurf OuestMauritius, with its wide lagoons and South East Trade winds offers all the required ingredients for a thrilling kite surfing adventure. Mauritian waters offer opportunities both to beginners and experienced kite surfers; it is thus seeing more visitors choosing the destination for its kite surfing opportunities.
The country now counts 8 registered kite surf schools and rentals. As most water sports, these services are usually available within hotel premises, but are not limited exclusively to the hotel’s customers. Moreover, these schools main instructors have got the International Kiteboarding Organisation certification. These schools also offer kiteboard rental either per day or per week. The equipment is of international standards and regularly updated. Some schools also offer downwind and lagoon crossing trips for small groups interested in surfing around the island. However, they have to be booked well in advance for logistics reasons.
Even if experienced kite surfers are tempted to just go with the flow, it is advisable to have all necessary information, so as to know where the best spots are, what is the best time of the year and what are the precautions needed on specific spots.
Since water temperature will not go below 20°C, there is no unsuitable season for kite surfing. Even the winds make it possible to kite surf all year round. However, during the months of June to January, winds can get very strong.
Where on West Coast?
Le Morne: One Eye
Le Morne is very famous today, and everyone agrees that its One Eye spot is the best kite surfing spot in the country, and some would even argue that it is the best in the world! As a matter of fact, semi professional and professional kite surfers from the whole world come to live the One Eye experience. This site can be exposed to smooth, extreme or strong winds, waves and currents. Kite surfing there gives the opportunity of having amazing panoramic views over the turquoise lagoon of Le Morne, as well as the imposing Le Morne Brabant mountain, just next to the spot. The sailing area hosts various hotels that give all facilities for kite surfing experience.
The tides at One Eye are higher during summer, especially between December and April, and the depth of the water will depend on the waves. Le Morne spot however does have a few hazards that have to be avoided, namely some large rocks. They is however clearly visible through the water.
The drawback at Le Morne spot however is that it attracts a lot of kiters, especially at week-ends where there are swimmers as well. It can thus be very crowded. Moreover, it can be challenging for beginners due to strong currents that can take them by surprise within seconds and pull them outside the lagoon. It is thus advisable that beginners consider the 16 other spots around the island.
Le kitesurf, dont le nom est formé des mots anglais 'kite', cerf-volant et 'surf', planche, est un sport nautique qui a vu officiellement le jour en 1996.
Ce sport consiste à glisser sur une planche de surf, ou ‘wakeboard’, guidée par un cerf-volant suspendu à une vingtaine de mètres du plan d'eau. Selon le modèle choisi, 2 à 5 cordes relient la barre de direction à l'aile. Le surfeur est attaché avec un harnais à la barre, avec laquelle il pilote l'aile. Mélange de snowboard, de planche à voile et de cerf-volant, c'est un sport accessible à condition de prendre des cours car son apprentissage et sa pratique comportent des risques. Bien qu'il doive être pratiqué en respectant des consignes de sécurité, ce sport permet de glisser sur l'eau en toute liberté en admirant les beaux paysages.
Depuis quelques années, l’Ile Maurice compte un nombre grandissant de visiteurs adeptes du kitesurf. Certains connaisseurs affirment même que le spot très connu du Morne, dans le sud-ouest, est l’un des meilleurs du monde.
Les fabricants de kite viennent même y tourner des films pour promouvoir ce sport. Le kitesurf peut être pratiqué presque toute l’année à Maurice. Cependant, les kiteurs pourraient rider plus souvent durant l’hiver austral (entre juin et novembre) ; de plus, ils devraient avoir un moyen de se déplacer pour bénéficier des meilleures conditions selon l’influence du vent. Autour du solstice d’été (décembre-janvier), même si le vent est incertain, la pratique du kitesurf est plus agréable, grâce à la bonne température de la mer et la longueur des journées.
Il existe 16 spots de kitesurf à Maurice, répartis dans différentes régions et voici ceux de cette région :
• Que vous soyez kiteur débutant ou confirmé, vous pourrez profiter des meilleures conditions qu’offre le vaste lagon de La Prairie et de Baie du Cap, avec son plan d’eau peu profond et peu agité.
• Les spots de Flic en Flac et de La Preneuse sont conseillés durant l’été austral et seulement aux kiteurs de niveau intermédiaire ou confirmé.
• Et enfin, le dernier spot, et pas des moindres, celui du Morne, est le chouchou des kiteurs même s’il y a peu de plage et qu’elle est bondée durant les week-ends. C’est une valeur sûre entre juin et novembre grâce au relief favorisant l’accélération des vents généraux du sud-est. C'est sûrement le meilleur spot, mais le danger est quand même présent avec un fort courant qui entraîne vers le large et des vagues sur lesquelles seuls les professionnels peuvent surfer. Un peu plus loin, à droite de l'hôtel Indian Resort, aussi connu sous le nom de 'One Eye' – à cause de sa vague en forme d'œil et d'une anfractuosité dans la montagne du Morne – se trouve un spot où les surfers expérimentés s'affrontent. A gauche du même hôtel se trouve un plan d'eau plus sécurisant pour les novices et les amateurs qui devront cependant faire attention au vent on-shore.
Un néophyte n'a besoin que d'une quinzaine d'heures pour devenir un kitesurfeur autonome. Pour vous initier à ce sport aux sensations fortes, vous pourrez vous inscrire à une école de kitesurf.
Les 8 centres et écoles de kite agréés de l’île, même s’ils sont en majorité rattachés aux hôtels, proposent des leçons et la location de matériel aux non-résidents. Ces écoles, qui comptent des moniteurs détenant des licences IKO sont en mesure de décerner des certificats IKO en fin de stage.
Les centres proposent aussi des raids et descentes en groupes, mais ces excursions doivent être organisées longtemps à l’avance, vu les structures de sécurité complexe.
La location du matériel peut se faire à la demi-journée ou à la semaine.
Il est recommandé de demander le maximum d’informations aux kiteurs locaux avant de s’aventurer en indépendant autour de l’île, chaque région ayant ses particularités et dangers potentiels pour les visiteurs non-initiés.
L’équitation est pratiquée depuis bien des années à l’île Maurice. Le moins que l’on puisse dire, c’est qu’il s’agit d’un sport bien ancré dans les traditions du pays. On en veut pour preuve le fait que l’on y trouve le plus vieil hippodrome de l’hémisphère sud. La passion des courses hippiques est partagée par tous les Mauriciens (ou presque). Et cela, quelque soit leur ethnie ou leur couche sociale…
Mais l’équitation ne se pratique pas uniquement à l’hippodrome du Champ de Mars. Les centres équestres sont nombreux dans l’île. Et puis, comme les plages sont vastes, vous pourrez en profiter pour y faire des ballades. A cheval, avec les embruns et le clapotis de l’eau en prime, vous pourrez profiter du soleil et des paysages. En journée, les plus sportifs et les plus expérimentés pourront également se baigner en mer avec leur monture ! Voilà des expériences uniques qui ne pourront que vous laisser de bons souvenirs. En soirée profitez du coucher de soleil en vous baladant tranquillement, seul, à deux ou en famille.
Les plages ne seront pas vos seuls terrains de jeu. En effet, vous pourrez également profiter de ballades dans des domaines splendides et à la végétation luxuriante. Certains s’étendent même sure plus de 2000 hectares. Sans oublier les centres équestres que l’on retrouve dans diverses localités de l’île.
Si vous êtes adeptes de l’équitation et que vous voulez voir Maurice sous un nouvel angle, rendez vous dans le sud-ouest. Là-bas vous pourrez vous balader sur des plages de sable blanc mais également monter à cheval au pied du très réputé Morne-Brabant, emblème de l’ile. Aussi bien des chevaux et des poneys étant disponibles, cela devrait faire le bonheur des grands et des moins grands. En rentrant un plus dans les terres vous pourrez également trouver des centres équestres plus traditionnel, avec des chevaux importés d’Afrique du Sud et d’anciens chevaux de course. Vous y trouverez également de quoi vous détendre et déguster un repas traditionnel mauricien pour vous remettre de vos émotions.
Port Louis, capital and main port of Mauritius was founded in 1735 by French governor, Mahé de Labourdonnais. Its residential population of above 150,000 is an intense intermix of races and cultures. Being a vibrant spot, it receives many visitors during daytime - commuters, locals, businessmen and tourists. Shopping and a visit to the city museums can be a very interesting way to learn about the historical and cultural aspect of the island.
The Central Market
The ‘bazaar’ (or central market) is located near the harbour on Farquhar Street. It opens everyday from 6am. In the colourful and bustling central market everything can be found, from food to clothing. In summer, it is advisable to visit the market early, before the heat of the day.
The market is divided into the vegetable, fruit, meat and the craft sections. A variety of tropical fruits, local food and crafted objects are sold at affordable prices. Calling out to passing customers, the vendors offer almost unlimited products and services and if you have good bargaining skills, then you are in for a treat. There is also an area where local snacks and drinks such as dholl puri and alouda are sold. If your stomach is sensitive then it is recommended not to try them. As you stroll around you will encounter many shops selling an eclectic range of interesting items such as clothes, hats, bags, accessories, souvenirs and many other items.
Caudan Waterfront
Caudan, built on the old docks on the sea front, is one of the biggest shopping malls in Mauritius. It comprises of more than 170 shops, restaurants, a casino, cinemas and a 5-star business hotel. You will also find international brands, a collection of local souvenir shops and the Blue Penny Museum which hosts two of the rarest and most expensive stamps in the world.
Blue Penny Museum
The Blue Penny Museum hosts a selection of maps, photographs and engravings from different periods in history. It also has a gallery for temporary exhibitions and a souvenir boutique. The pride of the museum's collection lies in two of the world's rarest stamps: the red one-penny and blue two-pence 'Post Office' stamps.
The stamps were engraved and printed locally by Joseph Osmond Barnard. In September 1847, Mauritius was the first British colony and fifth country in the world to issue postage stamps. The stamps were incorrectly printed with the words 'Post Office' rather than 'Post Paid'. These stamps now rank among the most valuable in the world.
The Blue Penny Museum, which conveys the history of the island's exploration, settlement and colonial period, provides an enriching experience.
Chinatown is a small area within Port Louis made of mostly Chinese restaurants, Chinese shops and other small businesses. Its cramped shops sell practically everything. Many hawkers sell Chinese foods as well. The elders of Chinatown still wear traditional dress and speak with a strong Chinese accent.
La Place D’armes
At the entrance of Place D’Armes, the statue of the French governor, Bertrand-François Mahé de La Bourdonnais, one of the founding fathers of Mauritius, dominates the view.
Theatre Of Port Louis
Built in the 19th Century, this timeless municipal theatre is one of the oldest in the Indian Ocean. It is decorated in a classic London theatre style and seats around 600 people.
Government House
Government House is one of the oldest and the most important building in Port Louis. The striking French colonial structures of this building were constructed in 1740 by Mahé de Labourdonnais. It was his official residence as governor.
Port Louis’ most imposing boulevard, Sookdeo Bissoondoyal, lined with royal palm trees leads up to Government House. Outside stands a typically solemn statue of the British Queen Victoria representative of Mauritian history. Some huge flame trees give shade to the entrance. Mauritius is one of the Commonwealth countries with the oldest democratic tradition.
Fort Adelaide
Fort Adelaide, or La Citadelle, named after Queen Adelaide, is situated on a hill overlooking the city and the harbour. It is at 240 ft. above sea level. The fort was built by the British around 1835 for the strategic purpose of guarding the harbour against enemy attacks and fires that broke in the city.
The British are thought to have built this fort in fear of a civil war from remaining French settlers on the island. There is an underground tunnel that links it with the harbour. Out of the four forts built in Port Louis it is the only one to have not ended up in ruins. Its black stone walls conceal the interior renovation work in progress since the early 1990s. Fort Adelaide was a fitting symbol of British strength, but the great building slowly decayed over the following one and a half centuries. It is now being transformed into a site of recreation and tourism.
Champ De Mars
Founded in 1812, Champ de Mars is another interesting place to visit, especially during the horse racing season. Situated in Port Louis, it is the sole horse race-track on the island. It is the oldest race course in the Indian Ocean and the second oldest in the southern Hemisphere.
As the most popular sport in Mauritius, a high level of professionalism has been reached in the organization of races over the last decades, thus, boosting competition levels, and creating a unique electrifying atmosphere on each race day. This is a great tourist attraction as well. You can expect around 30 000 visitors per race.
The first race-meeting usually starts in mid-May and ends normally in late November, with an average of nine horses per race. On average, some 60 horses participate on each racing day. Since the early 1990's, the Totalising System has been introduced and various betting combinations are now available. The standard of horses in Mauritius may not be as high as in Europe or U.S but the atmosphere during a race-meeting is definitely as exciting as anywhere else in the world.
Museum Of Photography
The small Photography Museum is the labour of love of local photographer Tristan Bréville. He’s amassed a treasure trove of old cameras and prints, including several daguerreotypes (the forerunner of photographs) produced in Mauritius in 1840. The museum also contains a vast archive of historical photos of the island, only a tiny fraction of which are on display.
This fascinating museum has one of the island’s oldest display of cameras prints and photographs of colonial Mauritius. Exhibits include an impressive glass-plate camera from 1880 and some wonderful archived photos, copies of which can be bought as souvenirs. You can discover more than 1000 photo apparatus, ancient photos, albums, photo frames, and if you are lucky, a Daguerréotype. This museum full of memories is definitely a place not to be missed.
The Natural History Museum
The Natural History Museum, the oldest museum in Mauritius, is found at the centre of Port Louis. The Museum collection dates from early 1800. It contains unique, rare and even extinct specimens of the fauna of Mauritius and surrounding islets. The natural history museum is free for everyone. The only downside is that you need to have a very good memory as visitors are not allowed to take pictures. It does not have air conditioning, so it is advised to visit on a cool day. The most popular exhibition is that of the Dodo; its skeletons are on display. The museum is also a nice day out from the bustle of the capital; one can also learn about nature and marine life.
Casela World Of Adventures
Nestled majestically in the verdant Yemen Reserve in the Black River district, this glorious nature and animal park is a must see place in Mauritius. Spread over 250 hectares of rugged terrain, lush forest, scorched-earth safari and breath-taking gorges, the Casela Park hosts an eclectic range of indigenous and exotic species such as Java deer, wild boars, hares, macaque monkeys, big cats, rhinos, giraffes, camels, zebras, ostriches, mongoose and fruit bats, as well as ebony, pink pepper plants, and the list is just endless. Here, you will have the privilege to discover a whole new world of the mountain, nature and safari kingdom.
Besides, encountering the fascinating animal species, you have the choice to plunge in the world of adventures through various adrenaline-packed activities in the wild nature like engaging in Safari Quad Biking, photo-safari with the big cats and African mammals, canyoning, zip lining, Nepalese bridge, toboggan slide (adults and children) and 4D Cinema to discover the natural science and history of Mauritius.
Aapravasi Ghat
The 19th century immigration depot is a UNESCO World Heritage site that has a historical and cultural value to the Indian Diaspora in Mauritius. The Aapravasi Ghat is a historic complex of buildings located on the seafront in Port-Louis. It consists of the partial remains of three stone buildings built on the spot of an earlier depot site. It has an entrance gateway, a hospital block, remnants of immigration sheds, and vestiges of the service quarters.
The complex represents the beginning of the Great Experiment initiated by the British Government, where nearly half a million Indians were housed between 1834 and 1920. They were the first “indentured” labourers, brought to Mauritius by the British Government to work on sugar plantations after the abolition of slavery.
The highlight of the site is the Beekrumsing Ramlallah Interpretation Centre, which hosts children activities. To get into the depth of the Mauritian historical and cultural legacy, a visit to the Aapravasi Ghat is recommended.